What is grounding?

In my 20s, my life felt like it was falling apart. I had recently left my job as a renewable energy research chemist at 3M to pursue my passion for teaching yoga classes around the Twin Cities. Six months later, I had burned through my savings and was battling a serious illness that left me drained of energy. I felt hopeless and helpless.

Learning how to ground was a turning point for me. It gave me a sense of agency when it felt like nothing in my life was going my way. Grounding helped me clear my energy, feel better, and focus on what I could do rather than what was out of my control.

There are many ways to ground, and I now teach these practices at my retreats and events. Grounding is a versatile tool—you can use it to center yourself at the start of the day, decompress after work, or prepare for a difficult conversation. Watch the video and experience one of ways to ground!

One of my favorite ways to end a grounding practice is with a reflective question, like: What is the most empowering action I can take right now? Grounding helps me feel centered, and this question reminds me that I can actively steer my life.

Sometimes, that empowering action might be initiating a conversation, showing up fully to a situation, or simply taking time for yourself. Other times, it may feel unnecessary to take immediate action. In those moments, I might ask:

  • What is the most empowering thought I can have right now?

  • What is the most empowering advice I can give myself?

These grounding practices have been invaluable to me, and I hope they can be for you too.


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