Wellness Bootcamp

Small yet powerful steps to improving your well-being

Is there a wellness habit you’d like to integrate into your life? This 4 week bootcamp is for women seeking group support to create new habits. Whether you want to eat a healthier diet, increase your fitness routine, meditate more, or watch less TV, this group will help you on your way!  We’ll meet each week and cover a new topic. Plus you’ll have a chance to find an accountability partner, ask questions, and share your successes.

How we roll:

Each group meeting will begin with a short guided meditation. Laura will teach on this week’s theme. Participants will have a chance to ask questions. There will also be group coaching and interaction between the participants.

Themes for each week:

  • Setting yourself up for success (a science based process for creating habits that stick)

  • Tricks to actually doing the habit you want to do (part 1)

  • Tricks to actually doing the habit you want to do (part 2)

  • Staying motivated through challenges

What you get:

  • (4) 60-75 minute group calls @ 7 PM Central on Mondays (July 22nd, July 29, August 5, August 19)

  • 2 recorded yoga routines

  • 2 recorded meditations

  • You can repeat this course for FREE whenever it is offered

  • Each lesson will be recorded (it’s okay if you miss), however participants’ sharing will not be recorded

  • Option to add two 50 minute 1-1 coaching sessions for $150

What kind of goals should people set for this?

We will cover the goal setting process in week 1. Each participant will decide on 1-3 goals that they believe would improve their well-being if they accomplished them.

Here are some examples:

  • Meditate every day

  • Remove X (sugar, dairy, gluten, chips, etc) from my diet

  • Start exercising or increase the frequency or duration of my current exercise routine

  • Spend less time X (watching TV, scrolling social media)

Hi there, I’m Laura!

I am a nature lover + yoga teacher + meditation teacher. I created the Wellness Bootcamp because I wanted to create a space for women to improve their well-being. I have gathered a lot of holistic wisdom around setting wellness goals and I am excited to share what I’ve learned.

I was recently inspired to start this group because I made changes in my diet and exercise routine and within 4 days of these changes, I experienced:

  • significant increase in energy

  • decrease in stress and anxiety

  • increased capacity to deal with stress

  • huge increase in happiness

I re-remembered the power of lifestyle changes. Oftentimes we know what to do, we just don’t do it. This group helps you implement habits that you already know will be beneficial.